Professional Awards in Planning and Landscape Architecture
- 2011 Honor Award, North Carolina Chapter, American Society of Landscape Architects, for Chimney Rock State Park Master Plan
- 2009 Honors Award for Engineering Excellence, American Council of Engineering Companies of North Carolina, Corridor Management Plan, Cape Fear Historic Byway
- 2008 Firm of the Year Award to Greenways Incorporated, North Carolina Chapter, American Society of Landscape Architects
- 2008 Project Award in Recognition of Outstanding Professional Achievement, Colorado Chapter, American Planning Association, for the Archuleta County Regional Parks, Recreation, Open Space and Trails Master Plan
- 2008 Honor Award, North Carolina Chapter, American Society of Landscape Architects, for the Cape Fear Historic Byway Corridor Management Plan
- 2008 Marvin Collins Outstanding Planning Award, Brian Benson Award Category, Comprehensive Planning, Small Community, North Carolina Chapter, American Planning Association for the Holly Springs Pedestrian Transportation Plan
- 2007 Marvin Collins Outstanding Planning Award, Brian Benson Award Category, Comprehensive Planning, Small Community, North Carolina Chapter, American Planning Association for the Greensboro Urban Area Bicycle, Pedestrian and Greenway Master Plan
- 2006 Distinguished Alumnus, College of Design, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina
- 2006 Outstanding Planning Award, Large Jurisdiction, South Carolina Chapter, American Planning Association for the Charleston County Comprehensive Greenbelt Plan
- 2006 Pennsylvania and Delaware Chapter, American Society of Landscape Architects, for the Susquehanna River Greenway Strategic Action Plan
- 2005 Award of Excellence, Nevada Chapter, American Society of Landscape Architects, for the Northwest Open Space and Trails Master Plan
- 2003 Prairie Gateway Chapter ASLA, Award of Excellence, MetroGreen Action Plan
- 2002 Tri-State Chapters ASLA, Honor Award, Greater Grand Forks Greenway Master Plan
- 2002 North Carolina Chapter ASLA Honor Award, MetroGreen Action Plan
- 2002 Missouri Chapter APA, Outstanding Planning Award, MetroGreen Action Plan
- 2001 Western Trail Builders Association, First Annual Harvey Bell Memorial Award for Outstanding Innovation in Trail Design, Grand Canyon Greenway
- 2001 Association of State Floodplain Managers, Tom Lee Gold Medal Award, Pennsylvania Greenway Master Plan
- 2001 ASLA Merit Award, Planning and Analysis, Grand Canyon Greenway
- 2001 North Carolina Chapter ASLA, Award of Excellence, Miami River Greenway Action Plan
- 2001 North Carolina Chapter ASLA, Merit Award, Trails for the Twenty-First Century
- 1999 Certificate of Appreciation from the First Lady and the National Park Service for participation in the National Millennium Trail Initiative, Grand Canyon Greenway Project.
- 1999 North Carolina Chapter ASLA, Honor Award, Mecklenburg County Greenway Master Plan
- 1999 Indiana Chapter, ASLA, Merit Award, Cardinal Greenway
- 1999 Ohio Chapter, ASLA, Merit Award, University Parks Trail
- 1997 Alabama Chapter APA, Outstanding Planning Award, Birmingham Area Bicycle, Pedestrian & Greenway Master Plan
- 1996 Texas Chapter ASLA, Merit Award, Hot Springs Creek Greenway Master Plan
- 1996 Arkansas Chapter APA, Merit Award, Hot Springs Creek Greenway Master Plan
- 1995 United States Federal Highway Administration Environmental Excellence Award, Swift Creek Recycled Greenway
- 1994 ASLA Merit Award, Communications, Greenways A Guide to Planning, Design and Development
- 1992 North Carolina, Take Pride in America Award, Swift Creek Recycled Greenway
- 1992 North Carolina Chapter APA, Small Community Outstanding Planning Award for the City of Greenville Comprehensive Greenway Plan
- 1988 Louise Chatfield/Outstanding Individual of the Year Award, North Carolina Trails Committee, North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development.
- 1982 North Carolina Chapter/American Society of Landscape Architects, Certificate of Award for the Martin Marietta New Bern Quarry Land Reclamation Plan
- 1982 North Carolina Chapter/American Society of Landscape Architects Book Award for outstanding work in Landscape Architecture

Chuck Flink accepts an Honor Award from the Tri-State Chapter for the Grand Forks and East Grand Forks Greenway Master Plan.