Presentations at National and International Conferences
Chuck Flink has spoken at more than 200 national and international conferences

Chuck Flink presents the benefits of greenways at a meeting of the Belarusian Association "Country Escape" in the Volozhin region of Belarus.
- Greenways as Green Infrastructure: 11th ENEPEA (Encontro Nacional de Ensino de Paisagismo en Escolas de Arquitectura e Urbanismo no Brasil, Campo Grande, Brazil, October 2012
- Greenways As Green Infrastructure” Belarusian Association “Country Escape” in association with United State Embassy in Belarus, August 2012.
- Sustainable Greenway Tourism: A Comparison of the East Coast Greenway and the Prague to Vienna Greenway, Fabos Conference on Landscape and Greenway Planning, 2010. Budapest, Hungary, July 2010.
- Greenways As Green Infrastructure, Peking University, Beijing and Shenzhen, China, March 2009
- Linking Trails & Community Health, TrailLink 2005, International Trails and Greenways Conference, Minneapolis, MN, July 2005
- Greenway on the Red, Keynote Address to the International Symposium for the Red River, Winnipeg, Canada, June 2000
- Case Study: Mill Creek Watershed Greenway, Second International Trails and Greenways Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 1999
- Greenways in the New Millennium, International Trails and Greenways Conference, San Diego, California, January 1998
- The American Greenway Movement: Land Use Practices for the 21st Century IV World Congress on National Parks and Protected Areas, Caracas, Venezuela, February 1992
- Greenways: Serving Our Infrastructure Needs in the 21st Century Fourth Biennial International Linear Parks Conference - “Parkways, Greenways, Riverways: A Partnership for Beauty and Progress”, Charlottesville, Virginia November 1991
- Greenways in the United States Waterscapes ’91: An International Conference on Water Management for a Sustainable Environment, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, June 1991
- Greenways: Recreation Resource vs. Land Use Ethic Third Biennial International Linear Parks Conference - “Parkways, Greenways, Riverways: The Way more Beautiful”, Asheville, North Carolina September 1989
- Trail Trends in the United States International Snowmobile Congress Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota June 1989

Chuck Flink presents the Economic Benefits of Greenways at the Riley Institute at Furman.
- Private Conservancies and Public Spaces: Nonprofit Models for Enhancing and Managing Urban Greenways, SWSX Eco, Austin, TX, October 2013.
- Economic Benefits of Parks, Greenways and Trails, Friends of Florida State Parks, Clearwater, FL, January 2013
- Greenways: Economic Engine for 21st Century – Catalytic, Vibrant and Viable, American Society of Landscape Architects, October 2012
- Benefits of the Razorback Regional Greenway, Restoration of Our Rivers, National and Regaional Perspective on Urban Stormwater, Bentonville, AR, October 2012
- Regional Strategies for Sustainable Growth, North Carolina Chapter, American Planning Association Conference, September 2012
- Economic Benefits of the Razorback Regional Greenway, City of Bella Vista, Arkansas,
- Economic Benefits of Greenways, Mid America Regional Council of Governments 5th Annual Built Environment and Outdoors Summit, Lawrence, KS, October, 2011
- Green Trails: Planning, Designing and Building Sustainable Trails, Mid America Regional Greenways and Trails Conference, Fort Wayne, Indiana, October 2011
- Economic Benefits of Greenways, North Carolina Urban Forestry Conference, Charlotte, NC, September, 2011
- Making Active Transportation Work in the Motor City, Rails-to-Trails Conservancy Urban Pathway Initiatives Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, May 2011
- Planning and Design for Sustainability, UNC School of Planning, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, April 2011
- Economic Benefits of Greenways, Tennessee Trails and Greenways Conference, Murfreesboro, Tennessee, April 2011
- Green Infrastructure for Quality Growth, East Tennessee Quality Growth Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee, March 2011
- Planning and Design for Sustainability, National Green Infrastructure Conference, Shepherdstown, West Virginia, February 2011
- Economic Benefits of Greenspace, Research Triangle Region Open Space Summit, Raleigh, North Carolina, January 2011
- Greenways as Tools for Integrating Communities into Stream Restoration Projects, Stream Restoration in the Southeast, Connecting Communities with Ecosystems, Raleigh, North Carolina, November 2010
- Greenways as Economic Development Catalysts, Charlotte Northwest Chapter Green Conference, Mount Holly, North Carolina, October 2010
- Economic Benefits of Greenspace, South Carolina Trails Conference, Greenville, South Carolina, October 2010
- Economic Benefits of Greenspace, Tennessee American Planning and American Society of Engineers Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee, September 2010
- Greenways as Green Infrastructure: Challenges in Urban Design, North Carolina Chapter American Society of Landscape Architects, Wilmington, North Carolina, June 2010
- Economic Benefits of Open Space, South Platte River Working Group, March 2010
- Greenways as Green Infrastructure, Green Infrastructure Symposium, Western Pennsylvania Conservancy, October 2009
- National Trends in Trails, Bicycle and Pedestrian Development, Tulsa Metropolitan Trails Ten Year Anniversary, Tulsa, Oklahoma, December 2009
- Designing a 21st Century City: The 2030 Comprehensive Plan, American Planning Association National Conference, April 2009
- Finding the Green for Your Greenway, South Carolina Recreation and Parks Conference, September 2008
- Quality Of Life Amidst Hypergrowth: It Is Possible!, 2008 APRA Conference on Open Space, Phoenix, Arizona, May 2008
- Economic Benefits of Greenspace, Keynote Address, New River Valley PDC Conference, Pembroke, Virginia, November 2007
- Economic Benefits of Greenspace, Roanoke Chamber of Commerce, Roanoke, VA, November 2007
- Charleston County Greenbelt Plan: A Model for Sustainable Planning, South Carolina Department of Defense Alliance, Columbia, SC, October 2007
- Economic Benefits of Greenspace, Keynote Address, New River Valley PDC Conference, May 2007
- Economic Benefits of Greenspace, Green Transformations, Mt. Holly, NC, May 2007
- Growing Pennsylvania's Economy: The Benefits of Greenspace, Keynote Address, Pennsylvania Recreation and Park Society, Greenburg, PA, May 2007
- Greenways as Green Infrastructure, Third Pennsylvania Greenways and Trail Summit, Greenburg, PA, May 2007
- Greenways: More than Recreation, Urban Open Space Institute, Charlotte, NC, April 2007
- Charleston County Greenbelts Plan, Central Midlands Region Council of Governments, Columbia, South Carolina, January 2007
- Economic Benefits of Greenways, Featured Presentation, The Richard W. Riley Institute of Government, Politics and Public Leadership and Upstate Forever, Greenville, SC, November 2006
- Economic Benefits of Greenspace, Keynote Address, SE Watershed Forum, Asheville, NC, August 2006
- Open Space Planning in the Desert Southwest, American Planning Association Conference, San Antonio, TX, April 2006
- Virginia Greenways: A Call to Action, Keynote Address, Governor's Conference of Greenways, Blueways and Trails, Richmond, VA, May 2005
- Austin Powers: Trails for the City of Ideas, American Trails National Symposium, Austin, TX, October 2004
- Greenways: Past, Present and Future, First Fabos Symposium, University of Massachusetts, April 2004
- Economic Benefits of Greenways, North Carolina Conservation Workshops, Charlotte and Raleigh, NC March 2004
- Grand Canyon Greenway: Getting Greenways on the Ground through a Public-Private Partnership, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, January 2004
- Greenways as Green Infrastructure, Florida State University, Florida A&M University, Tallahassee, FL, October 2003
- Mid America's Green Infrastructure: Bringing the Region Together, Mid America Greenway and Trails Conference, Indianapolis, IN, September 2003
- Greenways as Green Infrastructure, LABASH 2003, NC State University, April 2003
- America in the 21st Century: A New Agenda for Sustainable Living, Keynote Address, APBP Annual Conference, Tucson, AZ, November 2001
- Greenways as Green Infrastructure, Urban Land Institute, City Parks Forum, Chicago, IL,
- November 2001
- Greenways as Green Infrastructure, Chesterfield Greenways Forum, Chesterfield, VA,
- September 2001
- Making Public Space Part of Your Community, American Planning Association Conference, New Orleans LA, April 2001
- Greenways as Green Infrastructure, Harvard University, Boston, MA, April 2000
- Restoring the Miami River, Presentation to Landowners, Businesses and Local Governments, Miami, Florida, May 1999
- Greenways in the New Millennium, Keynote, Virginia Governor's Conference on Greenways and Trails, Keynote Address, May 1999
- The American Greenway Movement, American Heritage Rivers Symposium, Atlanta, GA, October 1998
- Greenways: Protecting Sensitive Environmental Resources, Cobb County Environmental Symposium, Keynote Address, Cobb County, GA, May 1998
- Greenways 101, Georgia State Greenways Conference, Keynote Address, Atlanta, GA, October 1998
- The Grand Canyon Greenway, American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 1997
- Marketing/Selling the Greenway Concept, Pennsylvania Governor's Conference on Greenways, May 1997
- Planning and Designing Greenways, Urban Parks Institute Conference, Boston, MA, May 1997
- The Benefits of Multi-Objective Greenways, Keynote Annual LABASH Conference, Fayetteville, AR, March 1997
- Greenways in the 21st Century, Keynote for Rhode Island Governor's Greenway Conference, Providence, RI, October 1996
- Greenways and Economic Development, South Carolina Downtown Development Symposium, October 1996
- Greenways in the 21st Century, Green Cities Symposium, Washington, DC, September 1996
- Greenway Trail Design, Pro Bike/Pro Walk National Conference, Portland, ME, September 1996
- Building Greenways in the Hudson River Valley, 2-Day Workshop, Poughkeepsie, NY, May 1996
- Greenways in the 21st Century, Florida Chapter American Planning Association, Orlando, FL, April 1996
- The Benefits of Multi-Objective Greenways, National Recreation and Parks Association Conference, San Antonio, Texas, October 1995
- Multi-Objective Greenways, Rails-to-Trails National Conference, Tampa, Florida, November 1995
- Case Study: Louisville and Jefferson County Multi-Objective Stream Corridor/Greenway Plan, The Association of State Floodplain Managers Conference, Portland, ME, May 1995
- The Benefits of Multi-Objective Greenways, Florida Rails-to-Trails Conference, Pinellas County, FL, February 1995
- Greenways and The New Urbanism, Florida Chamber of Commerce Growth Management Conference, Orlando, FL, April 1994
- The Impacts of Greenways: The Myths and Realities, Second Florida Rails-to-Trails Conference, Dunedin, FL, January 1994.
- Greenways: Serving Infrastructure Needs in the 21st Century, American Society of Landscape Architects National Annual Meeting and Expo, Chicago, IL, September 1993.
- Greenways and Trail Design Seminar, Fourth National Rails-to-Trails Conference, San Francisco, CA, September 1993.
- Greenways: Multiple Objective Corridors for the 21st Century, Southeastern Regional Conference of the American Planning Association, New Bern, NC, August 1993.
- Design Considerations for Multiple Use of Utility and Abandoned Rail Corridors, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy, Providence, Rhode Island, December 1992.
- Guidelines for Creating Greenways, Georgia Environmental Planning Conference, Waycross, Georgia, September 1992
- Trail Planning and Construction Using Recycled Materials, 1992 National Greenways Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina, September 1992
- Creating Successful Greenways, 1992 Environmental Forum, Chattanooga, Tennessee, May 1992
- Managing Greenway Systems Virginia Recreation and Park Society State Conference, Roanoke, Virginia, November 1991
- Green Ideas: A Road Map To Greenway Planning, Design and Management National Recreation and Parks Association’s 1991 Congress for Recreation and Parks, Baltimore, Maryland, October 1991
- Designing Your Rail-Trail Third National Rails to Trails Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, June 1991
- The National Recreational Trails Fund Act: A Summary of Congressional Activity American Horse Council National Conference, Washington DC, June 1991
- Greenways: Parks of the Future 1991 National Recreation and Park Association Southern Regional Conference, Richmond, Virginia, April 1991
- Greenways: The Multi-Objective Urban Land Conservation Tool First National Urban Conservation Symposium, Kansas City, Missouri, December 1990
- Partnerships and the National Trails Agenda Project Keynote Address, Tenth National Trails Symposium, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, September 1990
- Greenways - Serving our Recreation Needs into the 21st Century Missouri Governor’s Conference on Natural Resources, Columbia, Missouri April 1990
- Greenways in the United States Mayor’s Committee on Greenspace, Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, Lexington, Kentucky February 1990
- Summary - The National Trails Agenda Project Eleventh Annual National Hikers’ Conference, Berkeley Springs, West Virginia November 1989
- Greenways: An Eastern United States Perspective The National Open Space Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 1989
- Designing your Rail-Trail The Second National Rails-to-Trails Conference, Dayton, Ohio July 1989
- Greenways through Partnerships “State Parks in a New Era: Meeting the Challenge” Conference, Hershey, Pennsylvania, June 1989
- Greenways in the United States Keynote Address, Hixon Chamber of Commerce, Dedication of the North Chickamauga Creek Greenway, Chattanooga, Tennessee, June 1989
- A Comprehensive State-wide Trails Program for Idaho Idaho Trails 2000 State Conference, Sun Valley, Idaho April 1989
- Why your State needs a Comprehensive State-wide Trails Plan National Association of State Recreation Planners Annual Meeting, Charleston, South Carolina March 1989
- Greenways and River Corridor Management The Multi-Objective River Corridor Management Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee March 1989