Public Service

Chuck Flink, back row far left, led a 2004 strategic planning session for the reorganization of the East Coast Greenway Alliance.
- North Carolina State University, Board of Visitors (Advisory to the Chancellor and Board of Trustees) (2008 to Present, Chair 2011 to present)
- NCASLA Fellows Committee (2006 to present, Chair 2011-2012)
- NC State University, College of Design Leaders Council, 2009 to present
- East Coast Greenway Alliance, Board of Trustees, (1999 to 2011, Chair 2004 to 2010)
- American Trails, Board of Directors 1988-1990, Inaugural Chairman 1988-1990
- State Coordinator, North Carolina, 1999 to 2002, East Coast Greenway, America's 3000-mile Urban Greenway from Maine to Florida.
- Volunteer Designer, Grand Canyon Greenway, January 1997 to April 1999, member of volunteer design group that planned 72-mile greenway system for the North and South Rim's of the Grand Canyon National Park.
- Volunteer and Consultant, Chattahoochee Riverway Project, Atlanta, GA, August 1997 through October 1998, member of a volunteer design group that proposed solutions for 23 miles of the Chattahoochee River in Atlanta, GA.
- State Coordinator, North Carolina, 1993 and 1994 National Trails Day, America’s nationwide celebration of trails and greenways.
- The National Recreation Trails Fund Act 1991, S-2150/HR-4040. 102nd United States Congress, sponsored by Senator Symms of Idaho. Mr. Flink represented American Trails at the introduction of this legislation into Congress. February 1991
- Appointed Member, The North Carolina Greenways Advisory Panel, established by the North Carolina Governor and the Secretary of the Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources. January 1991
- Participant, National Trails Coalition Lobby Week, United States Congress, Washington, DC 1989. Made presentations to members of Congress regarding the need for improved trail resources on Federal lands.
- Member, NCAIA Urban Design Assistance Team/NCASLA Community Assistance Team for the Asheville Riverfront Charrete, Asheville, NC April 1989
- Expert testimony, North Carolina General Assembly, State Parks Study Commission, Umstead State Park, NC. Testified to the Committee regarding the need for a Statewide greenways system. May 1988